
Showing posts from May, 2023

Johnny and Grandpa: The Hottest Thing in Our Solar System

This series is a one-shot story of Johnny's process of getting knowledge with Grandpa. And in this first story, I would tell you about The Sun, which is the hottest thing in our solar system. This story has been adapted and published as an e-picture book on this site:  Johnny and Grandpa . You can check it out! ONE-SHOT STORY: SCIENCE-MATH SERIES Episode 1. One Sun “Haaaaah! Grandpa, today is so hot! I cannot handle it. I need a fan.” Johnny didn’t stop complaining about the weather. Now, he had to turn on the fan. Grandpa shook his head while watching  Johnny  shouting. “I have some questions, Grandpa. If we who live on Earth feel so hot, what about the Sun itself?” Grandpa took a breath for a while. “Then, can someone live there?”  Johnny  still wondered. He seemed so curious. “In our solar system, we only have ONE Sun. The Sun scatters light throughout the solar system, including our Earth. And yes, absolutely, the Sun is hotter than the Earth. Precisely, the Sun is the hottest

Randomly of Me: A New Beginning

Hi! Welcome to my blog, again and again! source: Gilaaa ... lama buanget ye gue nggak nulis hahaha. Nggak tau deh ini nanti bisa dapat berapa kata, yang penting nulis dulu ajalah. Gue nih juga nggak tahu kenapa kok bisa tiba-tiba keinget sama blog yang udah usang ini. Mana kemarin gue sempet kebingungan gimana caranya gue bisa nulis di sini lagi gara-gara email.  Jadi, email yang gue pakai untuk bikin blog ini adalah email jaman gue kuliah pertama kali. Dan karena gue udah lulus lama, gue juga udah jarang banget buka email itu dengan sengaja dong ya. Gue kemudian nyoba untuk masuk lagi ke email itu. Eh, NGGAK BISA DONGGG! Petaka macam apa iniiii?! Padahal kayanya mah tahun lalu gue bisa bisa aja masuk ke emailnya. Terus gue berupaya untuk nyoba ganti passwordnya. Lah, KOK TETEP KAGAK BISA?!! Akhirnya gue konfirmasi ke bagian IT kampus lama gue itu. Bilangnya apa coba? Habis itu gue balas: Tapi email tersebut masih aktif di HP saya, Kak. Tahu balasan dia apa? Beg