This photo was taken in Puncak Gebang, Yogyakarta

I'm Nafi, not a Navy, even less a navigator. Just Nafi. Just Nafi.

It's been a long story since I was a new student at a university. I was so excited about being a blogger. That's why I posted all of my essays from my course. Back circa 2013 or 2014, my lecturer gave me a weekly assignment to write down the conclusion of each meeting and submit it at the next meeting. 

Wohooo!! I still remember those sweet memories, then. And after 6 years, I'm coming back to this blog. Thus, I want to challenge myself to write an essay or just a short story every week. My first blog series is HIDUP MAHASISWA DI ATAS NORMAL (OVER NORMAL STUDENT LIFE). Subscribe for every week's post.

Later, I speak Bahasa Indonesia and English. But, every post of mine is just available in one language, either Bahasa Indonesia or English. Remind me if I get lost! As always, happy reading my first post after 6 years!

Get my first post in English! THE CONCEPT OF A MOVING-CLASS SYSTEM

Enjoy the joy!


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